특정일을 기준으로 일주일을 나열방법 입니다. string[] aryWeek = new string[7]; DateTime dateWeek = DateTime.ParseExact("20201104", "yyyyMMdd", null); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { aryWeek[i] = dateWeek.AddDays(i).ToString("dddd"); Trace.WriteLine(aryWeek[i]); }
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); // loop stopwatch.Stop(); Trace.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------"); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("time : {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("time : {0} s", (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f))); https://prettycode.tistory.com
c#프로젝트에 SQLite클래스 추가방법 도구 -> Nuget 패키지 관리자 -> 패키지 관리자 콘솔 install-package System.Data.SQLite 콘솔입력 솔루션 탐색기 참조리스트에서 추가된 클래스 확인할수 있습니다. SQLite Helper Class https://github.com/adriancs2/SQLiteHelper.net adriancs2/SQLiteHelper.net Contribute to adriancs2/SQLiteHelper.net development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com
https://steven-england.info/2014/10/28/c-helper-class-database-access-various-providers/ A C# helper class for database access for various providers - Steven England's Weblog If you need an module that helps you setting up quick access to multiple database providers, you will be very lucky with this code. I recognized it on code4forever.blogspot.com Here is the DBHelper class: /* Copyright Code4..